Monday 4 April 2016

My first night out child free

It had recently been one of my friends birthdays so me and another friend thought it would be nice to surprise her with a trip to the theatre to see a Queen tribute act ( this is her favourite group ever and if you are ever in the car with her and their song comes on you may need to cover your ears !!).

This was to be my first night away from Ava since she was born and all I could feel about it was guilty !! the fact that I wasn't going to be there for bed time, or if she was crying I couldn't be there for her . Don't get me wrong Jordan is amazing with her and I couldn't of asked for a better daddy for my little girl , but it still made me feel horrid !.

Being a mommy to Ava my handbag is now a pink Mothercare changing bag as its too much stress to have my own bag as well. So I had to find myself a handbag I put my phone and purse in it and it looked so empty ( what on earth did I used to carry around with me, I remember my bag weighing a ton !)

It was funny when I was sitting in my seat I realised that I had got my cardi on inside out and had a little baby sick on it ( Mommy problems !! and no wet wipes to clean myself up ).

The act were really good and it was so much fun to have a sing along to the songs, I did do the mom thing of texting Jordan when I got there, at the break and when I was leaving to see if she is ok !. ( I'm sure he would of texted me if she wasn't !). I did explain to my friend that I felt guilty for leaving Ava to go out , she also has a little one and she told me not to worry it will wear off and I will be happy to leave her places whilst I go out. ( at the moment I cannot see this happening but I'm sure it may do at some point in the future !).

I also treated myself to a cheeky cider , omg it tasted sooooo nice and I had the most amazing sleep on the night as being out past 10 o'clock and having one drink was something I hadn't done in months.

So all in all it was a fab night and I think I need to stop beating myself up for leaving her !!.


  1. Ah, sounds like a fab night apart from the guilt! I still haven't left my little one for more than two hours, I would quite like to at some point though. As your friend said, I'm sure you will get used to it and start to enjoy it more! The first drink was delicious for sure.

  2. It sure was delicious !! Im sure the more I do it the easier it will be not that I'm going to have a wild social life and be out all the time lol
